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Learning Designer Peers



Throughout the program participants will have the opportunity to learn, grow, and work with their peers. Learning Designers come together in the innovative Learning Lab space to collaborate with peers on various group projects.  Participants complete regular Collaborative Lesson Study Cycles with peers both in and out of their subject-area concentration.  The small cohort model of the program allows for participants to develop close friendships that continue to grow throughout their lifelong learning journey.


Learning Designer Advisors

We believe in the power of strong mentors. For this reason the Learning Designer Lab works tirelessly to ensure our participants have the very best Master Learning Designers guiding them throughout their journey.  During the program participants are guided by a team of mentors in each of the main course strands: subject-area, learning theory, cultivating culture, and design thinking.  A lead mentor will be available to support participants with school-based and workshop/studio placement matching.  Our small cohort model allows the program to keep a 1 to 5 ratio between mentors and participants.

Learning Designers and the Community


The surrounding community - schools, students, parents, educators, designers, artists - are invaluable members of the Learning Designer Program.  Through coursework and placements, Learning Designers have the opportunity to work collaboratively and learn from all of the aforementioned constituents. 



Perhaps most unique to the Learning Designer Lab are the people who make up our vibrant community.  Dedicated students, researchers, practioners, designers, artists and the greater community within which we are located, all contribute to ensuring participants have a positve experience where they gain the tools they'll need to make educational change.

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